ALERT: Democrats Risk Being Shut Out!

There are three Democrat candidates running for State Assembly. But under California election laws,the top two candidates with the most votes regardless of party will advance to the runoff.

With too many Democrat candidates running, there is a high risk that Democrats will split the vote and be completely shut out of the runoff. If that happens Democrats will forfeit the seat to the Republicans!

That’s why the California Democrat Party has officially endorsed just one candidate: Kevin Juza – and urges all Democrats to vote for only him so they don’t forfeit the seat to the Republicans.


  • Democrat Kevin Juza will support Governor Gavin Newsom.
  • Democrat Kevin Juza wants action on Climate Change.
  • Democrat Kevin Juza stands for social justice and Choice.

That’s why Kevin Juza is the ONLY candidate endorsed by the California Democratic Party.

  • Republican Carl DeMaio is fighting to help struggling working families survive by creating better paying jobs
  • Republican Carl DeMaio is fighting to save Prop 13 and block unfair tax hikes
  • Republican Carl DeMaio is working to solve homelessness and authored the "People First" Plan

Don’t Sit This Election Out! Vote By March 5th!

Your Choice 2024

Ad paid for by Carl DeMaio for State Assembly 2024 — FPPC # 1464955